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Pest Control Rats. Professional exterminators, Free Quotes.

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We are professional exterminators, covering Dublin, Wicklow and Kildare, Give us a call for Free Quotes and Low Prices. No matter where they are on your property, be it they attics, or in Garden, our Expert pest control technicans will remove them quckly, and humanely.
We will do a complete Survey of the property, finding the entry/exit points, then inspecting attic areas, moving through the property, and putting a control plan in place to stop and kill off the problem.
Our Expert technicans will inspect the drain system, and if we see a problem, we can talk to you about getting a drain survey.
How to deal with them..
The main cuplret invading your home is the brown rat. These Rodents can cause huge damage to Property, carry deadly diseases to humans and cause huge damage to crops. You will want to avoid them ever becoming a problem.
How do you know if you’ve got them?
How do you tell whether you have a rat infestation or not? The answer is If you see them on your property, you’ve got them; you probably have an infestation. Other tell-tale signs such as Rat droppings, rat runs and the gnawing of wood are also key indicators. The trick is not to attract them in the first place so don’t leave food accessible in plastic bin bags, put meat into compost or allow bird table spillages to accumulate.
How do you get rid of them?
Professional pest control can get provide rat control. They are ingenious, suspicious and generally move at night. However, they need two things: food and water. If you can cut off their supply to these, they will disappear. Rats, unlike mice, are dependant on a regular water supply. If this is not possible you are going to have to kill them.
How to kill them?
Pest control Rats: Unquestionably poison is the most effective way of dealing with an infestation. Poison is obtainable at garden and farm supply stores. The best method is to put the poison in a series of bait stations and place them between their holes and their food or water source or where there are signs of droppings while also inspecting for entry points.
They are suspicious and it may take weeks for them to accept the box as part of their environment and start using it. The poison should be checked every three to four days and replaced as necessary. It is vital that the poison is kept out of reach of cats, dogs and other animals. Most rats that take poison will die in their holes, but any found should be disposed of, preferably by burning. In some cases, it is worth taking the poison to them and to do this I was taught to put some poison in a ball of cling film and put it into a hole, covering the opening with a brick. Some rodents are becoming resistant to poison and it is worth trying different makes over time.
Pest control Rats:
Due to their suspicious nature, traps should be baited for a week, replacing bait as it is taken before setting the traps. Traps have the advantage in that you will not end up with a dead, stinking rodent under your floorboards, but it is not generally a successful method if you have got a serious problem.
Other methods of Pest control for rats:
Get a cat – cats kill vermin, but the best ratters tend to be farmyard cats that live out of the house and ‘work’ for a living.
Get a terrier – terriers can be very effective, if used in conjunction with various devices for smoking out vermin out of their holes.
Electronic devices
These emit electromagnetic waves and/or high pitched sound waves inaudible to humans. The jury is still out on these devices.
or you can look for a highly recommended pest control service like us and let us give you peace of mind and give you a pest free enviorment.
On some rodent treatments, Pest Control chemicals will be used. All chemicals are placed in specialised toughened boxes, keeping children and pets safe.
EMAIL: info@pest.ie